2257 Documentation for Latin Studs Mania

Please Note: The information may be obsolete. The information on this page was retrieved from It is not the authoritative source of 2257 documentation for Latin Studs Mania. Please refer to the current 2257 documentation on if you need to follow up on the custodian of record for any of the site's images or videos.

18 U.S.C. 2257 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT All persons that appear in any visual depiction contained on this site were eighteen years of age or older at the time said depictions were created. Certain visual depictions displayed on this site are exempt from the provisions of 18 USC 2257 and 28 CFR 75 as they do not consist of conduct specifically required in said code sections. All sexually explicit imagenes on this site are being published by the primary producer pursuant to 18 USC 2257. The custodian of records for the site and producer is:

Mania Media LLC
304 East Beth Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85042